About the show:
Grandmother Raven Productions are thrilled to announce the premiere of "Alaskan Wonder Woman: The Dorothy Page Story," a captivating one-woman show that pays homage to the legendary Dorothy Page, known as the "Mother of the Iditarod." The performances will coincide with the Iditarod Race, the Arctic Winter Games, and Women’s History Month. Written and produced by playwright Bridgette Preston, the show delves into the extraordinary life of Dorothy Page, an influential figure whose historical imagination left a profound mark on Alaska's heritage. Diana Bailey, whose inspired performance is sure to bring Page's character to life, will immerse the audience in the remarkable story through a series of vignettes about this iconic woman whose legacy continues to inspire and shape the Alaskan spirit. Bridgette Preston, a 48-year resident of Alaska, attended her first Iditarod race start in 1978 (the epic race that ended with a photo-finish). With 20 years of experience as an educator in the Mat-Su School District, Preston's passion for local history is evident in her frequent contributions of historical and observational photo essays to the Palmer Buzz website and producing the first “Palmer Underground Tours” in 2009.
Alaskan Wonder Woman: The Dorothy Page Story
Written and produced by: Bridgette Preston
Featuring: Diana Bailey
Friday, March 1
Saturday, March 2
Friday, March 8
Saturday, March 9
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Musk Ox Farm
12850 E Archie Rd
Palmer, Alaska 99654
Adults $15
Kids (12 and under) $7.50