Discover Musk Oxen!
The Musk Ox Farm has developed these multidisciplinary materials to supplement your classroom instruction. The materials explore the following topics:
• Natural history of musk oxen in Alaska
• Domestication of the musk ox as seen through the efforts of the farm
• Benefits of musk ox farming
• Musk oxen as a sustainable resource
These materials are designed to introduce students to the world of the musk ox and the Musk Ox Farm. In addition to acting as an introduction to the musk ox, these materials also serve as a means to sharpen a student's math, reading, writing, as well as to hone critical and creative thinking skills. These materials can be used to prepare students for a visit to the farm or as a stand alone classroom resource. Seven separate Investigations examine different topics relating to the musk ox. You may choose to complete all the Investigations or choose the ones that best suit your instructional needs.
Please click on the link below to view the educational program. Educators are welcome to download and reproduce the document to assist in classroom learning.